This extraordinary show opener begins with a wall of ice 6 feet tall by 3 feet wide. Your guests will be amazed as the performers begin carving away pieces of the wall. Slowly the ice is transformed into the body of a guitar, though it’s only obvious to the trained eye. The audience is mystified — what is this supposed to be? The performers aren’t sure either, and turn to the audience for assistance.
The five frets which will make up the neck of the guitar are found hiding under tables. As one of the Ice Men brings the frets to the stage, the other stacks them on top of the body of the guitar to complete the neck. Wow! It’s a guitar! The only thing missing are the strings and tuning pegs. The tuning pegs are produced. One of the performers may select a member of the audience to assist with tossing the tuning pegs to the other Ice Man on a ladder to complete the guitar. Once the tuning pegs are in place the strings of the guitar are carved. To close the show the traditional toast is given.
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